eph1 - Multiple Asteroid Ephemeris Generator, now with automatic file load

(more options at the new version ...  eph3 >)
(< eph0  ... fewer at the old version)
Comma-Delimited List of Names
Start Date
Start Time
Interval Between lines
Number of Lines
Show Zodiacal Longitude
Show RA (as zodiacal)
Show Distance
Show North Node
Show Perihelion
Show Ecliptical Ellipse Phase <= Select Heliocentric With This [except Moon]
[No Aberration, Nutation, or Deflection]

From Swiss Ephemeris


Date | 1995 DW2 | 2000 WR106 | 1996 TL66 | 1983 TB | 1993 HA2 | | | | | | | | LONG | LONG | LONG | LONG | LONG | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Oct 1973 18:04:00 UT | 6 cn 20 | 6 ge 3 Rx | 19 pi 57 Rx | 10 ta 11 Rx | 26 ge 55 Rx |